​Company Description
The company description is where you provide more details about your business. Imagine talking about your company to someone who knows nothing about it. The following details should be included in your company description:
Basic information: Your business name, address, and who works there.
Business structure: How is your business set up? Is it a sole proprietorship, partnership, or a company?
Company history: Tell the story of your business. When did it start? How has it grown?
Products or services: Clearly explain what you sell. What problem does it solve for your customers?
Unique selling points: What makes your business different? Do you have special technology or skills?
Sales and customers: Have you made any sales? Who are your customers?
These details show that your business idea has traction and a strong chance of success. Keep your language simple and clear, avoiding technical terms. Prioritize conveying the key information clearly and concisely. Focus on the most critical details that highlight the value or significance of your business Idea.